Belgrade, Serbia

Serbian French Innovation Forum


About the conference

Our series of events have not only attracted a diverse group of attendees but have also sparked widespread interest and lively discussion among academic and industry leaders.








Year by year

We are growing

A successful event from the outset, the forum has proved its worth and is attracting more and more participants as it gradually opens up from the research sector to the world of business and start-ups.



Franco-Serbian Innovation Booster

The France-Serbia Innovation Forum was launched in 2022 to stimulate thematic exchanges in line with the common challenges facing the two countries.

In the spirit of sharing best practices and knowledge in selected areas of mutual interest to France and Serbia, entrepreneurs and researchers meet at round tables to inform and exchange views on their different visions of innovation management. In this way, the Innovation Forum responds to the need to promote the science, know-how, and capabilities of French-Serbian higher education, institutions, and industries.
Designed to bring together research and business players to encourage the development of innovative solutions and products that can create job opportunities for young Serbian talent.

Internationally renowned French scientists from top institutions such as INRIA – Université Grenoble Alpes – CNRS will be presenting their visions of innovation, while Serbian colleagues from IMGGEScientific FundInnovation Fund, and Faculty for Mechanical Engineering will be presenting flagship projects for Franco-Serbian cooperation in the field of research valorization.

On the occasion of the forum, a hackathon is organized with our partner Foundation Tempus to promote an entrepreneurial mindset in the youth.

A side-event dedicated to the financing of innovation, co-organized with French Tech Belgrade and bringing together DSI (Digital Serbian Initiative), the BPI France and PWC.

The Forum is also an occasion to give the floor to representatives of French start-ups such as X-SunAerophile Group and major French groups such as Schneider ElectricThalesOrangeDassault SystemesRenault GroupEvidenJCDecaux and STMicroelectronics.

In the afternoon following the forum, Mission France takes place. This is a unique initiative designed to support Serbian start-ups on their “market discovery mission”, helping them to improve their export potential and access new investment. Comment end 

More details

The key objectives of innovation forum:

  • Make Serbia and France known as a leading country for innovation in our mission country. On the French side, the goal is to promote the programs Mission France, Bourses France Excellence, IT makes SciENSE, and Plan France 2030. On the Serbian side, the goal is to promote the initiatives led by the Innovation Fund and the Scientific fund

  • Identify Serbian researchers, and businesses by including innovation players (start-ups), and industrial key players to develop R&D projects on the priority themes of the two countries

  • Promote PHC scientific cooperation projects to encourage project leaders to apply to Horizon Europe programmes

  • To make the forum a landmark in Franco-Serbian cooperation in the field of innovation

About the Serbian-French Innovation Forum initiative

François-Xavier Kowandy: Initiator, founder and co-organizer of the Innovation Forum

I created the Serbian-French Innovation Forum in 2022 to foster the emergence of partnerships between the worlds of research and business.

France and Serbia have a strong scientific tradition, the ramifications of which date back to cooperation in the field of civil nuclear energy. We now need to place our cooperation within a European framework, by mobilizing European levers such as Horizon Europe to multiply the effects of national and bilateral programs.

With the Innovation Forum, we are working with our partners to support our sectors of excellence such as AI, low-carbon energies, biotechnologies and green technologies by:

  • Bringing research closer to tomorrow’s markets
  • Encouraging major accounts to outsource part of their R&D to research centers to develop innovations in line with the France 2030 plan
  • Helping to develop the entrepreneurial spirit of students and researchers
  • Generate new business for start-ups through the Mission France program